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‘A life worth emulating’ — President Nelsons turns 100

President Russell M. Nelson, leader of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, has officially lived for a century.
His lifetime of service has included honorable service in the United States military, a pioneering career in heart surgery and leading the Church of Jesus Christ. President Nelson has delivered landmark addresses like his sermon on peacemaking, forged historic relationships with religious leaders and world leaders, used technology to share the gospel of Jesus Christ, and has inspired generations to greater faith and hope.
Utah Gov. Spencer Cox declared Monday “President Russell M. Nelson Day” in the state, honoring President Nelson’s “tireless efforts to build bridges of understanding and preserve freedoms” as well as “his life’s dedication to kindness, love and welcoming spirit.”
“President Nelson’s impact is visible not only in Utah, but across the world,” said Cox on social media. “He has worked tirelessly to build bridges of understanding and kindness and has led a life full of family, faith and selfless service. President Nelson’s work in the medical community has saved countless lives, and we are grateful for his philanthropic efforts, at home and abroad.”
Others have wished President Nelson a happy birthday as well.
“Happy 100th birthday to President Russell M. Nelson!” wrote Utah Rep. Celeste Maloy in a social media post. “During his century of life, President Nelson has lived so that every year has been used to its fullest. I respect his lifelong work to protect religious freedom, build bridges between different faiths, and pioneer lifesaving heart surgery. His focus on serving others has resulted in a life worth emulating.”
Utah Sen. Mike Lee posted a thread on social media in honor of President Nelson’s birthday. He said he first heard President Nelson’s name when his parents told him “about the world-class, Utah-based surgeon who — in an unusual coincidence — would perform open-heart surgery on both of my maternal grandparents, Ben and Marian Griffin, on the same day.”
That day, Lee said he prayed for President Nelson so his grandparents could live. The surgery was successful and he said he “came to regard Dr. Nelson as something of a worker in miracles.”
“Little did I know that this would be the first of many times I would pray for Russell M. Nelson — not just that summer, but over the course of many decades.”
President Nelson has remained sharp, said Lee. “During a recent meeting with him, he described to me in great detail — as if recounting events that had occurred only days earlier — the surgeries he performed on my grandparents in 1978 (complete with surgical terminology that I didn’t understand, but was grateful that he did).”
“Today, as in 1978, I pray for now-President Russell M. Nelson’s health and well-being. I do so with faith that God will continue to use him to bring the healing power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a world that needs it,” said Lee. “I’m so grateful for President Nelson’s lifetime of service, and wish him a very happy birthday.”
Utah Sen. Mitt Romney said in a social media post, “President Nelson, like great prophets in history, has lifted both the church and its individual members. I can attest that his charge to ‘think Celestial’ has made me, and surely countless others, a better Latter-day Saint. Happy 100th birthday, President @NelsonRussellM!”
